Be responsible of your leadership

”In a Muslim household, the man of the house is the Ameer (leader). He is a shepherd, who will be held accountable for his flock. He is their leader; he knows them, nurtures them and trains them to be effective members of the Ummah socially emotionally, mentally and most significantly spiritually. ‘

So be responsible for your leadership!

Writing Wasiyah – A Forgotton Sunnah

“I have seen several families fighting over the issues of Virasat (inheritance) and Wasiyah (will) after the death of important people from among them. Wouldn’t it be great if people would follow the commandments of Allah in such affairs? There would be no fights if the wealth of the deceased was distributed according to the law of inheritance laid out in Islam. If the deceased left a will explaining each aspect in detail, there would be no dispute over family issues. There would be so much ease in fulfilling the missed obligations, promises and other commitments of the deceased by his surviving family.”

Click here to continue reading, Writing Wasiyah – A Forgotton Sunnah

Balancing the equation – home chores

The best thing about getting married is partnership, isn’t it? Ask those who are married. Marriage may survive without money but cannot survive without the mutual partnership. Newly married couples enjoy their lives in the most halal way as Allah states in the Quran,  هُنَّ لِبَاسٌ لَّكُمْ وَأَنتُمْ لِبَاسٌ لَّهُنَّ, 2:187  they are each other libas (garments), covering each others physically, covering each other faults and helping each other coping up with the external damaging factors, subhanAllah what great wisdom. [1]

Whilst they enjoy, they don’t realize the change they have not only brought in their lives but also in the lives of their parents and home buddies. If we see it from the groom’s perspective, before marriage, he just have to take care of his family and obey the parents. After marriage, he has to take care of his wife as well, keeping in view that she has come to live besides all of his negitive and bad habits, leaving her home and parents, far away.

In such situations, there may arrise conflict between the husband and wife or between the wife and the husband’s family, difference of opinion in doing things. Over kitchen affairs, may be over children, may be over how to handle the home chores, how to arrange and schedule daily tasks, handling the servants etc. In such cases, everyone especially the bride must understand that every home has some ways to work and the norms are pre-defined. One should try to adapt those even if there is some discomfort.

In such circumstances, comes the most important role of the husband. He has to balance between the wife and the mother. Following are some tips and tricks that I have observed through different experiences from my life and from the lives of others:

  • Never say no to your parents. Especially if it doesn’t harm your personal life. وَوَصَّيْنَا الْإِنسَانَ بِوَالِدَيْهِ حُسْنًا ۖ  “And We have enjoined on man to be good and dutiful to his parents”. [29:8] 

  • In case of conflict between wife and parents, listen to both sides carefully and analyze who’s right. إِنَّمَا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ إِخْوَةٌ فَأَصْلِحُوا بَيْنَ أَخَوَيْكُمْ “The believers are nothing else than brothers (in Islamic religion). So make reconciliation between your brothers” [49:10] 
  • If there happen to be any misunderstandings between the parties, then you’re the man you can really solve them. talk to each party separately and clear the misunderstanding by explaning. they won’t go mad on you insha’Allah. Trust me, they want someone to listen.
  • Love your wife much and unconditionally without scolding her and explain the importance of being good to the your family and its benefits. the Prophet said: “The best of you is the one who is best to his wife, and I am the best of you to my wives.” [] 
  • Love you parents unconditionally and lower your wings of humility over them no matter what. They are old now, they have no other choice apart from behaving they way they want to behave. They still love and care for you.  وَاخْفِضْ لَهُمَا جَنَاحَ الذُّلِّ مِنَ الرَّحْمَةِ وَقُل رَّبِّ ارْحَمْهُمَا كَمَا رَبَّيَانِي صَغِيرًا “And lower unto them the wing of submission and humility through mercy, and say: “My Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was small.” [17:24] 
  • Make everyone understand that things shouldn’t be based on the way they are carried out, rather they should be based on results. Let them sit together and decide the outputs of things on which there is a conflict, as long as everyone is agreed upon the output, they do not have to fight on how things get done insha’Allah. [Principle taken from the book 7 Habits of highly effective people] 

  • Forgive them and have no grudges. وَإِن تَعْفُوا وَتَصْفَحُوا وَتَغْفِرُوا فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ But if you pardon (them) and overlook, and forgive (their faults), then verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. [64:14]

May Allah make our homes among the gardens of Paradise and make our wives and children the coolness of our eyes.

[1] See Tafsir Ibn e Kathir 2:187 for details

The Autumn that appears as a Spring…Before you Fall in Love – Nisaar Nadiadwala


If you are an  average looking girl, a boy from your class or neighbour, will appreciate you a lot. The dictionaries of human relations call it ‘flattery’, artifical praise. If the boy is smart in talking he will pass innocent coments with a mishceivious flavour to draw your attention.  In the world of cheaters it is called ‘flirting’. Millions of girls across the world , have slipped into these pits and found it difficlut to come out . They discover that those roses were thorns in disguise.

Why should you fall in love?  What will you get after exchanging your heart in return of  pain?

In seclusion, as well in crowd, you will be  living with sighs like a crazy insane. You will feel lonely even in a gathering, just thinking about him. Trodding on such dreamy  paths  , you rarely reach your dream palace. A Broken heart, a  shattered dream,   a feeling  of betrayal,  and self condemnation as an award for your folly await for you.

How many expectaions from him ! How many late nights ! How many long waits poking tireless messages ! It will be too late when  you realise that these walls are not of bricks but sands  and can crumble even with  a puff.

Then one day he will say ” Pardon  me ! I will pray for you that you get a better boy than me. You see my Mom is not agreeing to our relations and I cannot disobey my mother because it is a sin ” Your dream castle was made up of sand.  It will be like someone has pushed you down into a lonely valley with nobody to share your agony. One day you may discover that he is into another affair. You are replaced by another prettier girl. Now you will look into the mirror and aks your self ” was I really as beautiful as he praised me earlier?”  The reply of your mirror will give you an extreme inferiority complex about your looks.

The pain of heart cannot be understood by others around you. No thermometers can give you the temperature nor can any cardiology test can inform the world what pain a broken heart undergoes. When the next spring arrives, it will bring nostalgia and  only warm tears, wasting your time, wasting your life in memories of your EX-DEAR.

You may call him ungrateful, untrustworthy and curse him for days but  weren’t you ungrateful  and untrustworthy when you quitely slipped out with him without your parent’s approval or knowledge, and they kept on thinking that your are extremly modest. Were you not wrong when you secretly messaged him romantic messages and remained busy chatting with him when your poor mother needed you in domestic help?

Dont forget that every one cannot get the  Moon but if you observe self restrain then Allah may give you soon. If you love the world for your beloved then you may loose your akhera. But if You love Sabr over sins then it is the promise of Allah that you cherish. The choice is yours.. Remember ” Allah intends easiness upon you, He does not intend  to put you into difficulties..( Surah al Baqarah verse 185 )


Nisaar Nadiadwala  can be responded at

What is your Centre Part II – Principle Centerdness

Law and order are vital to maintain peace, justice and collective good in every society. Everything revolve around these laws and they are not supposed to be violated. They are infact the guiding principles that governs everything, rather the light in which all affairs are seen.

Similar is the case with you and me. Whenever you act on something, or think about something, you have a governing law, a guiding principle at the back of our mind.

Think about your response when you are angry at someone or your reaction when you are failed at some point in life. What is it that you like to do when you feel happy or remorseful. On what things do you like to spend your money? Think about your response to your son/daughter who has a problem that you can address. What is your routine? What are your priorities in life? Are you fed up in managing work with household activities, family and other relationships?

These are all such questions that you face in your daily life. Everyone wants to address them effectively and for those effective solutions, one need principles. If you haven’t think about such questions consciously then you might argue there are no principles for such things. One just have to react to the situation. Things can’t be re-done rather we should accept the good and bad un-controllable circumstances and try to bring the best out of it.If you say such, then you are a reactive person.

Even when you react, you have guiding principles at the back of your mind, but the principles have not been created consciously. The phenomenon that you react to the situation is itself one of the weakest principle that can be defined. Don’t worry, 75% people are reactive, in my opinion, before they get (enough) maturity in their life to re-script themselves.

In my last blog entry I talked about how people have different centres of influences. You may find people ranging from having money centredness to self centredness. If a person belongs to any specific centre, one would always gain some things at the cost of others things.

Out of all such centres, “Principle” is the best centre. A principle centred person may pick up all good things from different centres that are adjustable with his life. Some of the principles that I personally use in my life might include something from spouse centre, some from money centre, some from work centre and some from self centre. By combining all of them together to form new principles, enables you to create a balance in all roles of your life. You decide the intensities according to your own comfortability aligned with your personal mission.

The point is to imagine as many situations as you can, as many problems as you can think of and create a response while sorting them out on the basis of consequences each response will have. Once you start imagining, you will be able to control your life, your situations and your surroundings. Remember, you shouldn’t expect after reading a couple of articles that your life will just change like that. You have to work it out, day in and day out to develop these habits of personal leadership. You have to seriously work on yourself before you start experiencing these things in your life.

Every time you see a child doing something bad, imagine how would you want your own child to react in such situation. Then try to up-bring your child according to what you’ve imagined. Every time you have a argument at home, imagine the best way the argument/situation could be handled. Every time you are stressed out with work and home, try imagining activities that if you do/don’t do, can boost up your productivity and spare your time. Quit extra-extra co-curricular activities (time wasters) from your life to give proper time to your family and taking proper rests. If you are following my writings on personal leadership, you would better know that most of the problems in life are P-PC problems.

Here is my final advice to you.

Become self aware and re-script yourself. This is the key to personal leadership.

What is your CENTRE?

Different people have different centres in their life.  Some are work-centred. Their top most preference is their work. They would prefer working in the office in case their boss calls them late night, at the cost of pre-planned dinner with their family. Some people are money centred. There dinner with their family, the type of friends they make, the choice of clothes they wear and everything else revolves around money. They would find peace where they would make profit in monitory terms, compromising important relationships. On the contrary,  some people are spouse centred. All they care about is their spouse. They seek their spouse for every decision they make in their life while compromising on work, friends and other crucial matters.

Some common centres has been mentioned by Dr. Stephen Covey in his book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. While reading the names, just try to remember a moment of your life, where you have acted as having any of the following centred. Try if you can recall someone whom you can categorize in any specific centre. Here is the list:

  • Spouse centred
  • Family centred
  • Money centred
  • Work centred
  • Possession centred
  • Pleasure centred
  • Friend/Enemy centred
  • Church (mosque) centred
  • Self centred

The words are enough to define the consequence of each centre. I am sure you can fit almost every one you know in any one of these centres without doubt. And in no time, you’ll realize the limitation of  belonging to any one centre. Money centred would compromise family. Spouse centred would compromise work. Self-centred might compromise both.

When it comes to us, it feels like we don’t belong to any ONE centre, rather we change our centre of influence every now and then according to our circumstances. Sometimes when relationship with family is to be valued, we must leave work or money to give our family a surprise. Or sometimes, when economic conditions of the family are unsatisfactory, long working hours would suffice to provide a sustenance to the overall family. Even the family wouldn’t mind in that case, as they understand the necessity of the situation  And sometimes, we have to focus on our own self in order to get the most out of us and leave everything else.

What should we do then? Should we keep on changing our centres according to our situations or should we just stick to one centre and be ready to compromise on other factors?

To know the answer, wait for the next post, “Principle centred people”. COMING SOON 🙂



The writer majors in Software Engineering and is an amateur blogger and photographer. He may be contacted at

Don’t be ASHAMED to do without FAME

Since childhood, we are indoctrinated directly or indirectly, that the only jobs good enough to do are white collar jobs in huge marble floored offices. Unfortunately, there aren’t such jobs for all in my country. A graduating candidate limits one’s search to the ‘luxurious’ jobs and the general attitude is not to earn until and unless one finds a reasonable one.

My friends, colleagues and family members seek to get employed in developed countries like UK, USA, Malysia, Canada and so on. The sad part is, they would work there at any place, do any job. They’ll become a security guard, a worker at a small local resturant, a pub, cleaning dishes in the kitchen, selling things on the streets, so on and so forth.

Why would they do it there in those countries and not in there homeland?

Where did their ego go then?

Is it only money all they want?

Sacrificing there ownselves, their ego, their family (living distant and not coming back for years) and sacrificing their culture and facilities they had back there in their own country? Why? They didn’t have to iron their clothes, nor cook food or laundry or anything else as such when there mothers, sisters and wives did back at home. Why sacrifice so much in the foreign and doing nothing at home?


My brothers and sisters must understand, its not that we shouldn’t think, aim big and look for an opportunity but we need to be realistic and start working in whatever capacities we have. Not everyone is fortunate enough to get what they want, in this life, for this life. Implementing a small earning plan whether it be a security guard, a dishwasher in a local resturant, selling snacks on a tricycle at a market place, giving part-time coaching for a subject, anything; we must not be shy to earn our livelihood from our own hands, helping ourselves as well as our families.

It won’t hurt, trust me. Instead, it would give us confidence. We earn 10 times less is our homeland, with our families is far better then working in foreign countries without them. I ask myself a question, “What shall be my purpose of life if I can’t come to visit my families on marriages, on deaths, on other moments of life.” After all, money can’t buy happiness.

An old struggling man, having degrees from the best universities of the country, when sells ‘fun snacks’ on a tricycle at a spot in the city’s posh area is happy and contended. He is happy that God has still given him resources to earn his own and his family’s food. He does not regret nor does he looses hope. The fact that he is contended doesn’t stop him think big. He works hard to grow his business from a small tricycle food spot in something big. He is like a bird, sitting near a pond, feeding itself on insects to survive, waiting for the big fish, waiting for the ‘opportunity’.

All great business were never born great. Just don’t underestimate the power of hard work and just livelihood.

In that case, Earn less and be proud.

Your brother,

Zaki Imtiaz